Key Resources

The groups have been using various sources of information to help guide their work.  To see a copy of these documents click on the links below. Most link to pages on either Cheshire East Council Web Site, Congleton Town Council Web Site or that of a relevant body. There is further information in the Evidence Library – this can be found in the Themed Group section of this web site.


Congleton Town Council Corporate Business Plan 2019-2023

Congleton Town Centre Plan Final Report 2008

Draft Congleton Town Centre Vitality Plan 2022

Congleton Inclosure Trust 

 Congleton Landscape Assessment Report 


Astbury and Moreton Neighbourhood Plan 

Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booths Neighbourhood Plan

Moreton Neighbourhood Plan 

Somerford Neighbourhood Plan

Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan 


Congleton Neighbourhood Plan development via Cheshire East Council website 

Cheshire East OPCS 

Cheshire East Council Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030

Cheshire East Local Plan Research and Evidence library 

Cheshire East Council Local Transport Plan 2019-2024

CEC Local Plan interactive adopted polices map 

CEC Green Infrastructure Plan (2019)

CEC Green Spaces Strategy Update 2018 (pages 47-51 Congleton)

CEC Landscape Character Assessment and Strategy

CEC Landscape Character Hierarchy 

CEC Open Spaces Assessment for Congleton

CEC Green Space Strategy Details for Congleton

CEC Green Belt Policy

CEC Green Belt Assessments 2013

CEC Playing Pitches Strategy

Cheshire Retail Study  partial update June 2020

Strategic Housing Land Availability Study

Strategic Housing Market Assessment 

Listed Buildings in Congleton 

Summary of Responses to Regulation 16 


BREEAM UK New Construction 2018

Building for Life 12

Building Regulations M4

DGLC Evidence Gathering HMOs and possible Planning Responses 

DGLC Support Smaller scale development – House of Commons 28/11/14

Canal and Rivers Trust – ‘Planning for Waterways in Neighbourhood Plans 

Historic England – the setting of Heritage Assets 

Mary Portas Review (Town Centres)

Edinburgh University URBED and others  Space to Park 

Landscape Character Assessment  – Natural England 

A Green Future – our 25 year plan to improve the environment 

Institute of Health Equality – Local Action on Health inequalities – Improving Access to Green Spaces